Literary Hour is held by the Literary Club "Traces of the Pen"
On 10.03.2025 was held the Literary Hour by the Literary Club ‘’Traces of the Pen’’. This hour was held in honour of the 12th anniversary of the foundation of the University ‘’Fehmi Agani’’ in Gjakova. This organization is proof of the strength of the word and of art, that fills and illuminates our hearts. The University ‘’Fehmi Agani’’ is a history that keeps being written every day from the dedicated professors, and students who dare to dream and build their future, and from all those who believe that education is the key for the development of a country.
In this organization were shown the students’ works such as papers, essays, poetry and paintings. Present was also the Dean of the Faculty of Philology, Prof. Asoc. Dr. Labinot Berisha, on which occasion there was also a speech, as well as the academic staff of Philology and Education.
The Literary Club ‘’Traces of the Pen’’ will continue with similar organizations in order to prove its students’ hard work.
Head of the Literary Club: Arjeta Nikçi